Khaled ELLEUCH is a professor of mechanical engineering at the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS) part of the University of Sfax. He joined ENIS in 2002, after working as a temporary teaching and research associate at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon where he obtained his doctorate in
materials Engineering. He participated in the founding of the Mediterranean network of engineering schools (RMEI). He is a founding member of the engineering laboratory
materials and environment at the national engineering school of Sfax. In 2005, he was elected treasurer of the Association of Graduate Engineers of ENIS (AIDENIS) then in 2017 he took over the presidency of AIDENIS to this day. Also in 2017 he was appointed director of internships and international relations at ENIS after being elected twice to head the materials engineering department.
Khaled ELLEUCH is an international expert in materials mechanics and tribology. He has participated in and coordinated several national and international educational and/or research projects.
Author of around a hundred scientific articles in indexed and impacted international journals, he has also supervised around twenty defended theses.
Khaled ELLEUCH, has given courses in several European universities in France, Germany, Italy, etc.
He is also part of the national commissions for the recruitment of university teachers in materials science and engineering (since 2011) and since 2017
member of the national commission for the authorization of licenses, masters and doctorates in applied sciences and technologies.
Involved in discussions to improve the employability of Tunisian engineers, he is also called upon to resolve problems linked to sustainable development.
Passionate about applied research, he is interested in subjects with a strong socio-economic impact.